Ceti Popcorn

Popcorn is a mostly-functional, mostly-complete multi-board MC68010-based computer system.

What does work?

What hasn't been tested yet? What doesn't work (yet)?

I've tested the SPI master port, but my attempts blew out some part of Ceti I/O board serial number #1. So I'm labeling that "does not work" and on Ceti I/O #2, I didn't populate the shift register that was the basis for the circuit.

I've tested the 555 timer on CetiCPU #1, but it didn't appear to be ticking according to my logic analyzer. This is my first attempt at using a 555 timer and it seems I may have picked non-optimal passive component values. I later came across a neat 555 calculator site that has suggested some new component values. I'm thinking about building up CetiCPU #2 with different timer passives to see if that makes a difference. Would be pretty cool to have a periodic timer that would allow for a pre-emptively multitasking OS. Someone on HN suggested EmuTOS.

The Popcorn Test Software.

The Ceti I/O Board (schematics, gerbers):

The Ceti Memory Board (schematics, gerbers)