Ceti Beta

Ceti Beta is a non-functional single-board MC68010-based computer system.
It was intended to serve as a more advanced, expandable version of Ceti Alpha, but I made a few mistakes:

The result is that the Ceti Beta boards don't work, but I learned valuable lessons about conducting reviews at each step of the process, manually routing more of the board myself, and dry-fitting components on print-outs before ordering bare boards.

This is the second board I ever built, and it shows in the over-reach of typical second-system syndrome. I was trying to use more surface-mount technology to save space while adding a second serial port, an expansion bus, and a different interrupt-handling scheme. Changed too many things at once without the necessary care and, predictably, it bit me.

Here's the schematic and the Gerbers as-ordered in case anyone is curious to see what I was trying to accomplish and how I goofed it up.
Schematic and Gerbers.
REMINDER: These boards don't work! DO NOT ORDER as-is!